發表於 2017-7-27 12:32:49
4 I# ?! t0 i3 i2 ? N" i0 _$ aMiller, R. (2016) Study: Light pollution blocks Milky Way for nearly 80% of Americans. References from
$ z" \- Z5 d8 p% M( R3 Khttps://www.usatoday.com/story/t ... americans/85644298/
% O: f* r* p* mAccording to this article, in 2016, light pollution block the Milky Way galaxy in the night sky for more than 1/3 of the world. Also, more than 99% of Americans live under light-polluted skies, and some spots in the USA may never again experience a true night. In the Study, scientists used low-light imaging from a NASA satellite and combined it with data collected from over 30,000 sky brightness monitors to map out levels of light pollution. Then, scientists found Singapore, Kuwait, South Korea, Canada, Spain and USA’s east coast experience some of the world’s worst light pollution. Excess light pollution affects humans' circadian rhythms and environment. However, Excess light pollution could be reduced by shielding or limiting the amount of artificial illumination. Installing new infrastructure that does not allow light to escape into the atmosphere would help alleviate the problem. Using LED light with warmer color spectrums instead of blue ones could also decrease light pollution. In the final of article, the author said "In our urban centers, you’ve got multiple generations of people that could not go out and see the Milky Way, and it’s a shame that they can’t,” ' P/ I Y9 o O4 r# c
The News Lens, (2016) you should know about light pollution. References from $ }* \* ?0 H$ {: C
https://hk.thenewslens.com/article/41926- s* k- m4 G( x# y X
According to this article, NOAA published map of light pollution. The world’s worst light pollution place in Singapore. More than 1/3 of world’s population cannot see the Milky Way; and those 7 things you should know about light pollution. 9 ]3 f$ y( I* Q/ ^$ @& R6 R; Y! ?( y
1. In the world, 83% of people live on light pollution, and over 99% Americans and European affected by light pollution.
. ?* Y. [' ?9 t" z! {- L2. In the world, 1/3 of world’s population cannot see the Milky Way; include 60% of European and 80% of Americans.8 t! B6 x+ }9 ]2 S% c' X
3. Light pollution affects very extensive, even though abandoned places may have light pollution.
7 d% Z$ w3 ^& j6 v1 Q4. According to ration of the light pollution vs. population, the world’s worst light pollution place in Singapore. And then in turn are Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and South Korea.* d5 B" I' S' W
5. The 100% people who live in San Marino, Kuwait and Qatar are enclaves within Italian territory. They cannot see the Milky Way anymore.7 R5 x5 z/ N5 ^2 H! Z
6. Actually,99% people live in The United Arab Emirates cannot see the Milky Way; At the same time, 98% Israeli and 97% Egyptians also cannot see the Milky Way.
% T$ K# O' V, q3 R6 X7. Most Milky Way star light block by light pollution places are Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Boston, New York City, Philadelphia Washington D.C., and England.' q! ~9 T* S9 y0 p1 y; x