身處在這個充滿糖與鹽的世界,加工食品隨手可得,便利商店、超市滿街林立,食品取得太容易,成人們要注意自己的飲食,學著習慣看營養標示(希望食品業者也如實標示),也要引導孩童養成正確飲食習慣,而這個『成人』的角色含括甚廣,不單單指家長,還應包括學校教育、醫療衛生、政府、食品業等所有與飲食環境有關者。“You are what you eat”,明日的健康,從今日的吃開始。
1.Mary E. Cogswell et al. Sodium and Sugar in Complementary Infant and Toddler Foods Sold in the United States. Pediatrics. 2015 March 1. pp.416-423
2.Susan S. Baker et al. Early Exposure to Dietary Sugar and Salt. 2015 March 1. pp.550-551
4.WHO Guideline: Sugars intake for adults and children.
5.Ontogeny of taste preferences: basic biology and implications for health. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2014 March, vol 99, no.3: 704S-711S