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非官方Windows XP SP4現身:發佈沿用微軟模式

發表於 2014-9-4 13:57:07 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
雖然周遭的人都已經使用Winodows 7以上的系統,但既然有看到這樣的新聞還是分享一下囉~
儘管微軟已經宣佈不再支援Windows XP,但一位希臘開發者還是推出了“非官方Service Pack 4”,方便用戶一次性更新多個補丁。
  《福布斯》雜誌今年5月就曾評論稱,殺死Windows XP比殺死“金剛狼”還難。四個月過去了,這款操作系統似乎真的應驗了該雜誌的預測。証據在於,儘管微軟已經宣佈不再支援這款已經發佈12年的系統,但該系統的用戶仍然得到了SP4。
  不消多說,這並不是微軟的愚蠢之舉,而是它的頑固粉絲的傑作。這款被稱作“非官方Service Pack 4”的補丁包出自希臘開發人員“harkaz”之手,他從2013年9月就開始研究這一項目。整個發佈過程都沿用了微軟的官方模式,SP4的第三測試版已經發佈,而RC版也即將推出。
  “包括我在內,很多人都無法把舊設備升級到新操作系統,因此更願意通過一個方便使用的補丁包直接升級所有Windows更新。出於這一目的,我開始設計Service Pack 4補丁包。”harkaz說。
  “Windows XP非官方SP4 ENU彙總了Windows XP(x86)英文版的更新。”他解釋說,“他可以應用於至少安裝了SP1的Windows XP,並且可以整合到任何的Windows XP安裝媒體中。”
  harkaz表示,非官方SP4包含了“多數Windows XP組件的更新”,詳細信息可以訪問:http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=137319#137319

Windows XP SP4 Unofficial Beta 2 Build is now available!

Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7k-l_4omFECM0JEaGplQ0l4Z2M/edit?usp=sharing

MD5: 5285E641D227CF4E876DD5D7FA2000C0
Date/Time Stamp: 06 June 2014 00:30 UTC
Size: 767 MB (804883484 bytes)

Release details:

This release of Windows XP SP4 Unofficial is almost stable.
All known bugs have been fixed in this version. No documentation is included yet.

This version includes ALL Windows XP updates and many updated components with all their latest updates up to including May 2014 (POSReady updates included).

Included components are:
.NET Frameworks 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, MSXML40 SP3, Adobe Flash Player 13 (May 2014), IE8, WMP11, Bitlocker to go reader, XPS Viewer EP, Windows Search 4.0 (disabled by default), IMAPIv2, Remote Desktop Connection Client 7.0, exFat update, Windows Installer 4.5, QFECheck tool, WGA (notifications disabled by default), Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0, November 2013 Revoked roots and Root cerificates, Windows Rights Management Client, DirectX 9.0c June 2010 Update, DirectX for Managed code (included in .NET Framework 3.5), WebDAV update for Office 12 (Rosebud).

Windows Powershell is not included. It can be installed seperately after .NET FW 3.5 gets installed.

Hotfixes included:

KB817688 - "Error on a Request to Write Data to Media" error message when you use Ntbackup.exe
KB887606 - FIX: The Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) uses cached credentials incorrectly
KB897571 - FIX: A DCOM static TCP endpoint is ignored when you configure the endpoint for WMI on a Windows Server 2003-based computer
KB898461 - Software update 898461 installs a permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
KB909520 v1 - Description of the software update for Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
KB915800 v4 - A hotfix is available for Windows Desktop Search document IFilters in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
KB916157 v6 - When you receive a Stop error message or a fatal system error message, a user-mode process dump file is not created in Windows XP
KB922120 v6 - Network Map in Windows Vista does not display computers that are running Windows XP
KB927436 v2 - Error message when you attach a device that loads the Serscan.sys driver to a computer that is running Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP3, or Windows Server 2003: "DRIVER_VERIFIER_IOMANAGER_VIOLATION (c9)"
KB932716 v2 - Description of the Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package that is dated June 26, 2007
KB934401 - When you run the "Ipconfig /displaydns" command in Windows Server 2003, the results are incomplete
KB940159 v2 - The Last Name field is blank in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box when you use the Mail Merge feature on a computer that has a non-English version of 2007 Microsoft Office system installed
KB942288 v3 - Windows Installer 4.5 is available
KB943232 v2 - An application that uses the Sxs.dll file crashes when you run the application on a Windows XP-based computer
KB944043 v3 - Description of the Windows Server 2008 read-only domain controller compatibility pack for Windows Server 2003 clients and for Windows XP clients and for Windows Vista
KB945060 v3 - There may be inconsistencies in the Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) and Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) values for an image file in Windows Vista and in Windows XP
KB945184 - The Rasdial API may free the same memory two times and the dial-up application stops responding on a multiprocessor computer that is running Windows Vista
KB946648 - MS08-050: Description of the update for Windows Messenger 4.7 for Windows XP: August 12, 2008
KB947460 v3 - Error message when you try to open a mapped DFS folder after the computer comes out of standby in Windows XP: ":\ is not accessible"
KB948101 v3 - A USB keyboard does not work after you restart a Windows XP-based computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard installed
KB948277 - A blank desktop may appear when you log on to a Windows XP-based computer
KB948698 - You cannot use the Reg.exe utility to access 64-bit registry keys on a 64-bit computer from a computer that is running a 32-bit version of Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Vista
KB948720 - You cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
KB948877 v2 - After you copy multiple files from a computer that is running Windows XP to a PCMCIA SRAM card, one or more files on the card are corrupted
KB949127 v2 - You cannot establish a wireless connection by using EAP authentication on a Windows XP-based client computer if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process on a Windows XP-based computer
KB950305 v2 - N/A
KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding when you run the audio application on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB950820 - The system stops responding during the logoff, shutdown, or restart process on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP and that has the Japanese IME installed
KB950974 - MS08-049: Vulnerability in Event System could allow remote code execution
KB950982 - A list of ODBC system DSNs is truncated when the total number of characters that are used in all the DSN names is more than 7,500 on a computer that is running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 SP2
KB951159 - N/A
KB951163 - When you try to use the MSTSC command from Terminal Services Client 6.0 to connect to the local Windows XP-based computer, a black screen may appear for several minutes
KB951347 - A memory leak occurs when you use the IFaxIncomingMessageIterator interface to query incoming fax messages on a fax server that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP
KB951376 v2 - MS08-030: Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution
KB951531 v2 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003-based computer after the W32Time service stops
KB951618 v2 - A black screen issue occurs on a Windows Vista-based computer or a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer that has Onekey Recovery 5.0 installed when you upgrade the operating system
KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications or the roaming profiles cannot be loaded intermittently when Windows XP Service Pack 2 starts
KB951709 - Event ID 26 when you attach two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices on a Windows XP-based computer
KB951822 v2 - You receive an error message, the print operation fails, or partial pages are printed when you try to print to a Citizen printer or to an Alps printer in Windows XP Service Pack 3
KB951978 - Script output is not displayed as expected when you run VBScript or JScript scripts in Windows Vista Service Pack 1, in Windows Server 2008, or in Windows XP Service Pack 3
KB952004 - MS09-012: Description of the security update for MSDTC Transaction Facility: April 2009
KB952117 v2 - When you try to put a Windows XP-based computer into hibernation or into standby, the computer stops responding
KB952595 v3 - N/A
KB952954 - MS08-046: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management could allow remote code execution
KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly in Windows XP when you use an application that uses the RichEdit control
KB953028 - On a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP, an application experiences an access violation and then crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical processors
KB953155 - MS08-062: Vulnerability in Windows Internet Printing service could allow remote code execution
KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized on a Windows XP SP3-based client computer when the DHCP server offer includes option 43
KB953930 - The Fc.exe command does not work correctly on a Windows XP-based computer when the two files that you are comparing have the TAB or SPACE character around the 128th byte in a string of characters
KB954193 - Description of the Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package for Windows XP SP2 and SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SP2, Windows Vista, Windows Vista SP1, and Windows Server 2008: July 2, 2008
KB954232 - The On-Screen Keyboard behavior on a Windows XP-based computer does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
KB954434 - A multiprocessor computer that is running a Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista stops responding on a black screen after you resume the computer from hibernation
KB954708 - An update to add support for the serialization of complex Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) data types in the Windows Imaging Component
KB954920 v2 - When an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations, you may receive an "MSG 40242" or "MSG 40205" error when the ODBC driver for SQL Server is used or an "MSG 40234" error when the SQL OLE DB provider is used
KB955109 - Error message when you run an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component on a computer that is running Windows XP SP2 or Windows XP SP3: “0xC0000005 (Access Violation)”
KB955356 - When you try to start a Windows XP SP3-based computer that is connected to an external IEEE 1394 hard disk, the system may stop responding before the logon screen appears
KB955417 - Protected storage (PStore) uses a lower-quality cryptographic function when the system locale is set to French (France) on a Microsoft Windows-based computer
KB955567 - Data corruption may occur when you try to append data to a FILESTREAM varbinary (max) column in SQL Server 2008 on a Windows XP-based computer
KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server
KB955704 - Description of the exFAT file system driver update package
KB955830 v2 - When you connect to a Windows XP-based computer by using a remote desktop connection, the computer may be not able to automatically enter the Sleep mode again after you log off the computer
KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class does not return the value of the PATH environment variable if the variable consists of more than 1,024 characters on a Windows XP-based computer
KB956048 - An application that calls the Image Color Management (ICM) functions in the Icm32.dll module may crash on a Windows Server 2003-based computer
KB956572 - MS09-012: Description of the security update for Windows Service Isolation: April 2009
KB956588 - The job-level PrintTicket is associated with the document-level PrintTicket and with the page-level PrintTicket when you print a document to an XPS driver on a Windows XP-based computer
KB956844 - MS09-046: Vulnerability in the DHTML Editing Component ActiveX control could allow remote code execution
KB957218 - A user name that contains Unicode characters is not handled correctly in Windows XP Service Pack 3 during the EAP authentication
KB957495 - The action controls in Sound Recorder are missing or only partly visible if you set the font size to Large or to Extra Large in a non-English version of Windows XP
KB957502 - Error message when you try to open some MMC 3.0 snap-ins in a localized version of Windows XP Service Pack 3: "MMC could not create the snap-in. The snap-in might not have been installed correctly."
KB957931 - A Windows XP-based, Windows Vista-based, or Windows Server 2008-based computer does not respond to 802.1X authentication requests for 20 minutes after a failed authentication
KB958071 - You receive error code 1206 when you run an application that uses the WLanSetProfile function on a Windows XP Service Pack 3-based computer
KB958149 - Performance decreases when you stream isochronous data on a Windows-based computer that has a Texas Instruments (TI) IEEE 1394 host controller installed
KB958244 - The system may stop responding when you restart a Windows XP-based multicore computer
KB958817 - The Automatic Update window may stop responding when you use a WSUS server to deploy Windows Internet Explorer 7 and cumulative security update 944533 on a Windows XP-based client computer
KB958910 - When you send a print job to an Internet Printer Protocol (IPP) print server from a Windows-based computer, the print job fails and never restarts
KB959267 - After you repeatedly dock and undock a Windows XP-based portable computer that is connected to a docking station, you may be unable to change the state of an attached network device
KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font style set to bold may change so that the font is set to Arial Black and the font style is set to talic when you open the document on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards that are plugged into a computer that runs Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008
KB959682 - FIX: A Message Queuing 3.0 message is rejected on the receiver when you send the message by using an external certificate from a Windows XP Service Pack 3-based computer
KB959765 - Remote NDIS (RNDIS) devices may not work correctly after you perform a surprise removal on a Windows XP-based computer and then attach the RNDIS device to the computer again
KB959873 - You cannot send Start TLS requests from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP or Windows Vista to a server that is running OpenLDAP Software
KB960071 v2 - An access violation occurs when you use an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP
KB960519 - Windows Vista does not use all the bandwidth of a PPPoE connection when you download a file from an FTP server
KB960655 - You encounter several problems on a Windows XP SP3-based computer when the EAP-TLS machine authentication fails during system startup
KB960680 v2 - An update is available to update the Slovak koruna currency symbol (Sk) to the Euro currency symbol (€) and to update the Turkish currency symbol from Yeni Türk Lirası (YTL) to Türk Lirası (TL)
KB960859 - MS09-042: Vulnerability in Telnet could allow remote code execution
KB960921 - If you start a Windows XP-based portable computer while it is running on battery power, the brightness of the LCD screen is not decreased as expected
KB960970 - An IEEE 1394 network adapter that is installed on a Windows XP-based computer is not listed in Device Manager
KB961067 - When you search some specific terms in the German version of Windows XP, the search results are incorrect
KB961118 - All the PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1
KB961187 v2 - If you reconnect a removable storage device to a computer that is running Windows XP, the operating system cannot find the removable storage device
KB961451 v2 - FIX: You receive an incorrect value when you query the last-inserted identity value after you use a client-side cursor to insert data to a table that contains an identity column in an application that uses ActiveX Data Objects
KB961503 - You cannot input characters as expected by using a non-English Input Method Editor in Windows Live Messenger on a Windows XP-based computer
KB961605 - FIX: Multicast messages larger than 64 kilobytes (KB) are not delivered as expected by using Message Queuing 3.0 after security update MS08-036 is installed
KB961742 v3 - An update is available that adds support for RemoteApp to Windows XP SP3 virtual machines on a Windows 7-based computer
KB961853 v2 - Error message when you try to access a network share in a private network: "There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request"
KB963038 - Error message when you establish a remote desktop connection to a remote computer that is running Windows XP: "STOP: 0x1000008E"
KB963093 - MS09-023: Vulnerability in Windows Search could allow information disclosure
KB965220 - N/A
KB967048 v2 - Error message on a Windows XP-based computer that has a USB card reader: "Stop 0x000000D1"
KB967705 v2 - When you try to print some data in the PDF format in Internet Explorer on a Windows XP-based computer, the main menu of Internet Explorer disappears.
KB968389 - Extended Protection for Authentication
KB969059 - MS09-057: Vulnerability in Indexing Service could allow remote code execution
KB969084 - Description of the Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) for Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, and Windows Vista SP2
KB969262 - Windows XP stops responding when heavy I/O operations occur on an NTFS-formatted volume.
KB969632 - Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) does not start in Windows XP, and you receive a message in the System log: "The Background Intelligent Transfer Service service terminated with service-specific error 2147500037 (0x80004005)"
KB970048 - Slow printing performance when you print to an LPR printer from a Windows XP-based computer
KB970063 - When you save a RTF document that contains nested tables in WordPad 5.1 in Windows XP, you may notice that the file is blank when you reopen the RTF document
KB970254 - The modem does not work and you cannot open the "Network Connections" window after you unplug and plug in the modem several times when a PPP connection is established in Windows XP
KB970326 - You cannot manage Windows Deployment Service (WDS) images from a Windows XP-based client computer that has a localized admin pack installed
KB970413 - The Win32_Process class returns incorrect CreationDate property during the first week after daylight saving time begins or ends
KB970430 - Description of the update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in the HTTP Protocol Stack (http.sys)
KB970483 - MS09-020: Vulnerabilities in Internet Information Services (IIS) could allow elevation of privilege
KB970553 - Error message when you query Win32_Product class after you install applications by using Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 with "Per-User" option in Windows XP: "0x80041001 - Generic failure"
KB970685 - Error message when you try to access an SD card on a Windows XP-based computer that has a particular combination of SD host controller and SD card: "The disk in drive is not formatted"
KB971029 - Update to the AutoPlay functionality in Windows
KB971165 - The CLIENTNAME environment variable returns the value "Console" instead of the actual client name when users first log on to a Windows XP SP3-based computer by using Remote Desktop Connection
KB971234 v2 - The Defrag.exe tool crashes when you run the Dfrgntfs.exe tool to defragment a hard disk on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB971276 v3 - You receive incorrect print output if the IPrintPipelineProgressReport interface is used in your printing application on a Windows XP SP3 or Windows Server 2003 SP2-based computer
KB971314 - All PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or the XPS Essentials Pack in Windows XP or in Windows Server 2003
KB971345 - The LimitProfileSize Group Policy setting does not take effect when the size of a user profile is larger than 4 GB on a Windows XP-based client computer
KB971455 - A computer that is running Windows XP SP3 cannot authenticate a wireless router that uses the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) when the router is configured to use Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
KB971657 - MS09-041: Vulnerability in the Workstation Service could allow elevation of privilege
KB972270 - MS10-001: Vulnerability in the Embedded OpenType Font Engine could allow remote code execution
KB972422 - A Windows XP-based computer stops responding at the "Windows is loading your profile" screen when you connect to the computer by using an RDP connection
KB972435 - Slow performance when you try to open a redirected drive on a remote computer that is running Windows XP through a Terminal Services session
KB972878 - The "Guaranteed service type" Group Policy setting returns to the default value after you restart a client computer that is running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003
KB973502 - The size of the Ntds.dit file becomes larger on one or more domain controllers that are running Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 after you enable the credential roaming feature for the domain
KB973507 - MS09-037: Description of the security update for the Active Template Library: August 11, 2009
KB973624 - After you use a smart card to log on to a computer that is running Windows XP, Digest authentication fails
KB973815 - MS09-037: Description of the security update for Microsoft MSWebDVD ActiveX Control in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003: August 11, 2009
KB973869 - MS09-037: Description of the security update for the DHTML editing component ActiveX control: August 11, 2009
KB973904 - MS09-073: Description of the security update for Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003: December 8, 2009
KB974112 - MS09-052: Vulnerability in Windows Media Player could allow remote code execution
KB974266 - Group Policy Preferences Client-Side Extension Hotfix Rollup
KB974318 - MS09-071: Vulnerabilities in the Internet Authentication service could allow remote code execution
KB974571 - MS09-056: Vulnerabilities in CryptoAPI could allow spoofing
KB975025 - MS09-051: Description of the security update for Audio Compression Manager: October 13, 2009
KB975467 - MS09-059: Vulnerability in the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service could allow denial of service
KB975560 - MS10-013: Description of the security update for Quartz: February 9, 2010
KB975713 - MS10-007: Vulnerability in Windows Shell Handler could allow remote code execution
KB976323 - MS10-024: Description of the security update for Windows SMTP Service: April 13, 2010 and July 13, 2010
KB977816 - MS10-026: Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 codec could allow remote code execution
KB977914 - MS10-013: Description of the security update for AVI filter: February 09, 2010
KB978338 - MS10-029: Vulnerability in Windows ISATAP Component could allow spoofing
KB978542 - MS10-030: Vulnerability in Outlook Express and Windows Mail could allow remote code execution
KB978706 - MS10-005: Vulnerability in Microsoft Paint could allow remote code execution
KB978835 - Service cannot access the \?? namespace in Windows XP
KB979309 - MS10-019: Description of the security update for Windows Cabinet File Viewer Shell Extension: April 13, 2010
KB979482 - MS10-033: Description of the security update for Asycfilt.dll (COM component): June 8, 2010
KB979687 - MS10-083: Description of the security update for WordPad: October 12, 2010
KB981073 v3 - FIX: FTP clients may not connect correctly to an FTP site that is hosted in IIS 5.0 or IIS 5.1 on a computer that has security update 975254 installed
KB981669 - The installation process of a MSI package that contains multiple packages stops responding (hangs) in Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008
KB981997 - MS10-050: Vulnerability in Windows Movie Maker could allow remote code execution
KB982132 - MS10-076: Vulnerability in the Embedded OpenType Font Engine could allow remote code execution
KB982316 - An update is available for the Windows Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI)
KB982665 - MS10-055: Vulnerability in Cinepak codec could allow remote code execution
KB983234 - FIX: A parent window is still disabled after you close a child dialog box that is hosted by a webpage in Internet Explorer 6
KB2115168 - MS10-052 Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 codecs could allow remote code execution
KB2124261 - MS10-065: Description of the security update for Internet Information Services ASP: September 14, 2010
KB2229593 - MS10-042: Vulnerability in Help and Support Center could allow remote code execution
KB2264107 - A new CWDIllegalInDllSearch registry entry is available to control the DLL search path algorithm
KB2270406 - "0x000000D1" Stop error message when you try to refresh a webpage in Internet Explorer on a computer that is running Windows XP SP3
KB2290570 - MS10-065: Description of the security update for Internet Information Services Infocomm in Windows XP SP3: September 14, 2010
KB2296011 - MS10-081: Vulnerability in the Windows common control library could allow remote code execution
KB2345886 - Description of the update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in the Server service
KB2347290 - MS10-061: Vulnerability in Print Spooler Service could allow remote code execution
KB2387149 - MS10-074: Vulnerability in Microsoft Foundation Classes could allow remote code execution
KB2393802 - MS11-011: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel could allow elevation of privilege
KB2419632 - MS11-002: Description of the security update for Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8 Service Pack 1: January 11, 2011
KB2423089 - MS10-096: Vulnerability in Windows Address Book could allow remote code execution
KB2436673 - MS10-098: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel could allow elevation of privilege
KB2443105 - MS10-097: Insecure Library Loading in Internet Connection Signup Wizard could allow remote code execution
KB2454533 v2 - Description of a shared folder that is mapped to a network drive is not displayed on a Windows XP SP3-based computer that has security update MS10-066 installed
KB2478960 - MS11-014: Vulnerability in Local Security Authority Subsystem Service could allow local elevation of privilege
KB2478971 - MS11-013: Description of the security update for Kerberos in Windows XP and in Windows Server 2003: February 8, 2011
KB2479943 - MS11-015: Description of the security update for Microsoft Windows: March 8, 2011
KB2483185 - MS11-006: Vulnerability in Windows Shell Graphics Processing could allow remote code execution
KB2485663 - MS11-033: Vulnerability in WordPad text converters could allow remote code execution: April 12, 2011
KB2491683 - MS11-024: Description of the security update for Windows Fax Cover Page Editor: April 12, 2011
KB2492386 - Application Compatibility Update for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2: April 2011
KB2498072 - A SCSI device does not burn DVD discs when you use IMAPIv2.0 for Windows XP and for Windows Embedded Standard 2009
KB2508429 - MS11-020: Vulnerabilities in SMB Server could allow remote code execution: April 12, 2011
KB2509553 - MS11-030: Vulnerability in DNS Resolution could allow remote code execution: April 12, 2011
KB2535512 - MS11-042: Vulnerabilities in Distributed File System could allow remote code execution: June 14, 2011
KB2536276 v2 - MS11-043: Vulnerability in SMB Client could allow remote code execution: June 14, 2011
KB2544893 v2 - MS11-037: Vulnerability in MHTML could allow information disclosure: June 14, 2011
KB2564958 - MS11-075: Description of the security update for Active Accessibility in Windows: October 11, 2011
KB2566454 - MS11-062: Vulnerability in Remote Access Service NDISTAPI driver could allow elevation of privilege: August 9, 2011
KB2570947 - MS11-071: Vulnerability in Windows Components could allow remote code execution: September 13, 2011
KB2584146 - MS12-005: Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows could allow remote code execution: January 10, 2012
KB2584577 - FIX: An application that uses objects that are derived from the CArchive class may crash after you install security update 2506212
KB2585542 - MS12-006: Description of the security update for Webio, Winhttp, and schannel in Windows: January 10, 2012
KB2592799 - MS11-080: Vulnerability in ancillary function driver could allow elevation of privilege: October 11, 2011
KB2598479 - MS12-004: Description of the security update for Windows Multimedia Library for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008: January 10, 2012
KB2603381 - MS12-002: Vulnerability in Windows Object Packager could allow remote code execution: January 10, 2012
KB2619339 - MS11-092: Description of the security update for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7: December 13, 2011
KB2620712 - MS11-097: Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Runtime Subsystem could allow elevation of privilege: December 13, 2011
KB2629462 - N/A
KB2631813 - MS12-004: Description of the security update for DirectShow: January 10, 2012
KB2661637 - MS12-014: Vulnerability in Indeo Codec could allow remote code execution: February 14, 2012
KB2686509 - MS12-034: Description of the security update for CVE-2012-0181 in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003: May 8, 2012
KB2691442 - MS12-048: Vulnerability in Windows Shell could allow remote code execution: July 10, 2012
KB2698365 - MS12-045: Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components could allow remote code execution: July 10, 2012
KB2705219 v2 - MS12-054: Description of the security update for Windows Networking Components: August 14, 2012
KB2712808 - MS12-054: Description of the security update for Windows Networking Components: August 14, 2012
KB2723135 v2 - MS12-053: Vulnerability in Remote Desktop could allow remote code execution: August 14, 2012
KB2727528 - MS12-072: Vulnerabilities in Windows shell could allow remote code execution: November 13, 2012
KB2749655 - Microsoft Security Advisory: Compatibility issues affecting signed Microsoft binaries
KB2757638 - MS13-002: Description of the security update for XML Core Services 3.0 and 6.0: January 8, 2013
KB2770660 - MS12-082: Vulnerability in DirectPlay could allow remote code execution: December 11, 2012
KB2780091 - MS13-011: Vulnerability in media decompression could allow remote code execution: February 12, 2013
KB2802968 - MS13-020: Vulnerability in OLE Automation could allow remote code execution: February 12, 2013
KB2807986 - MS13-027: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel-Mode drivers could allow elevation of privilege: March 12, 2013
KB2808679 - Update that protects from internal URL port scanning is available for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012
KB2813347 v2 - MS13-029: Description of the security update for Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 Client: April 9, 2013
KB2820917 - MS13-033: Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Run-time Subsystem (CSRSS) could allow elevation of privilege: April 9, 2013
KB2828030 - USB audio devices stop streaming audio on a computer that is running Windows XP SP3
KB2832214 - n/a
KB2834886 - MS13-029: Description of the security update for Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 Client: April 9, 2013
KB2836198 - An update is available that removes the CSP signature check in Windows XP SP3 and Windows Server 2003 SP2
KB2847311 - MS13-081: Description of the security update for kernel-mode drivers: October 8, 2013
KB2850869 - MS13-060: Vulnerability in Unicode Scripts Processor could allow remote code execution: August 13, 2013
KB2859537 - MS13-063: Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel could allow elevation of privilege: August 13, 2013
KB2862152 - Microsoft security advisory: Vulnerability in DirectAccess could allow security feature bypass
KB2862330 - MS13-081: Description of the security update for USB drivers: October 8, 2013
KB2862335 - MS13-081: Description of the security update for USB drivers: October 8, 2013
KB2864063 - MS13-071: Vulnerability in Windows Theme file could allow remote code execution: September 10, 2013
KB2868038 - MS13-081: Description of the security update for USB drivers: October 8, 2013
KB2868626 - MS13-095: Vulnerability in XML digital signatures could allow denial of service: November 12, 2013
KB2876217 - MS13-070: Vulnerability in OLE could allow remote code execution: September 10, 2013
KB2876331 - MS13-089: Vulnerability in Windows Graphics Device Interface could allow remote code execution: November 12, 2013
KB2878379 v2 - FIX: A "c000021a" error occurs when you restart a Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 device
KB2884256 - MS13-081: Description of the security update for USB drivers: October 8, 2013
KB2892075 - MS13-099: Description of the security update for Windows Script 5.7: December 10, 2013
KB2892734 - Windows Firewall service crashes when multiple FTP operations are running in Windows XP SP3
KB2893294 - MS13-098: Vulnerability in Windows could allow remote code execution: December 10, 2013
KB2898715 - MS13-102: Vulnerability in LRPC client could allow elevation of privilege: December 10, 2013
KB2900986 - MS13-090: Cumulative security update for ActiveX Kill Bits: November 12, 2013
KB2914368 - MS14-002: Vulnerability in Windows kernel could allow elevation of privilege: January 14, 2014
KB2916036 - MS14-005: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services could allow information disclosure: February 11, 2014
KB2922229 - MS14-019: Vulnerability in Windows file handling component could allow remote code execution: April 8, 2014
KB2929729 - Memory leak when you configure Group Policy settings on a Windows Embedded Standard 2009-based computer that has Remote Desktop connections enabled
KB2929961 - MS14-013: Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow could allow remote code execution: March 11, 2014
KB2930275 - MS14-015: Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel mode driver could allow elevation of privilege: March 11, 2014
KB2934207 - A notification about the end of Windows XP support
KB2935092 - Daylight saving time (DST) changes for Chile, Turkey, and Paraguay
KB2926765 - Description of the security update for Windows: May 13, 2014

Internet Explorer 8, included:
KB2467659 - An update is available for Internet Explorer: December 14, 2010
KB2598845 - A Compatibility View list update is available for Windows Internet Explorer 8: October 25, 2011
KB2632503 - FIX: Array elements in very large loops may be returned as undefined in JScript 5.8
KB2909210 - MS14-011: Description of the security update for Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) 5.8: February 11, 2014
KB2936068 - MS14-018: Description of the security update for Internet Explorer: April 8, 2014
KB2964358 - Description of the security update for Internet Explorer for systems that have security update 2929437 installed: May 1, 2014
KB2953522 - Security update for Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11: May 13, 2014

Windows Media Player 11.0.5721.5262, included:
KB954155 - MS09-051: Description of the security update for Windows Media Audio Voice Decoder: October 13, 2009
KB970159 - User-Mode Driver Framework version 1.9 update for Windows XP, for Windows Vista, and for Windows Server 2008
KB973540 - MS09-037: Description of the security update for Windows Media Player: August 11, 2009
KB975558 - MS10-062: Vulnerability in MPEG-4 Codec could allow remote code execution
KB974905 - Error code C00D11B1 when you play an MBR file or a live stream that contains more than 32 media streams in Windows Media Player on a computer that is running Windows XP or Windows Vista
KB978695 - MS10-033: Description of the security update for Media Format Runtime 9, for Media Format Runtime 9.5, and for Media Format Runtime 11: June 8, 2010
KB2378111 - MS10-082: Vulnerability in Windows Media Player could allow remote code execution
KB2834904 v2 - MS13-057: Description of the security update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9.5 and 11 (wmvdecod.dll) on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003: July 9, 2013

Adobe Flash Player v13.0.0.214 ActiveX control
Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1 SP1 Updated until May 2014 (from Server 2003)
Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 family (v2.0.50727.3659+v3.2.30729.4058.3+v3.5.30729.4056.3 - May 2014 update)
Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 v4.0.30319.1023 (May 2014 update)
DirectX for Windows XP June 2010 Update (including DirectX for Managed Code)
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
Windows Update v7.6.7600.256 (including Windows Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257)
KB282784 - QFEcheck v6.2.29.0
KB892130 - Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0/KB905474 - Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications v1.9.40.0
KB931125 - Root Certificate Update for Windows XP - November 2013. March 2014 is NOT included.
KB940157 (including KB961184) - Windows Search 4.0
KB952011 - Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) Update for Blu-Ray Media
KB952013 - Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0 - ICCD Smart Card Driver
KB970401 - BitLocker To Go Reader
KB979099 - Windows Rights Management Client
KB2758694 - MSXML 4.0 SP3
KB2917500 - Revoked Roots
KB907306 - Description of the Software Update for Web Folders: May 18, 2007

Windows Messenger 4.7 completely removed.
MSN Explorer 10.5
Updated version of the Luna theme with the "Royale" colour scheme.

Media Center 2005 Update Rollup 2 with the following updates:
KB887410 - Dancer does not start when music plays
KB925766 - October 2006 Update Rollup for Windows XP Media Center Edition
KB956148 - Update to address "protected content" error messages in Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
KB973768 - MS09-037: Description of the security update for Microsoft HtmlInput Object ActiveX Control in Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008: August 11, 2009
KB2502898 - MS11-015: Description of the security update for Windows XP Media Center Edition: 8 March 2011
KB2619340 - MS11-092: Description of the security update for Windows XP Media Center Edition: 13 December 2011
KB2628259 - MS12-004: Description of the security update for Windows Multimedia Library for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005: 10 January 2012

Tablet PC 2005 with the following updates:
KB955534 - On a Windows XP Tablet PC-based computer, text is transferred to a different text box when you use a tablet pen to enter the text in a Web page in Internet Explorer 7
KB981835 - A stylus does not work in a WPF application on a computer that is running Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005
KB2835364 - MS13-054: Description of the security update for Windows Journal: July 9, 2013

.NET Framework 1.0 SP3 with the following updates (February 2014 update):
KB979904 - MS10-041: Description of the security update for the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 for Windows XP Media Center Edition and for Windows XP Tablet PC Edition: June 8, 2010
KB2742607 - MS13-004: Description of the security update for the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 on Windows XP Service Pack 3 Tablet PC Edition and Windows XP Service Pack 3 Media Center Edition: January 8, 2013
KB2833951 - MS13-052: Description of the security update for the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 on Windows XP Service Pack 3 Tablet PC Edition and Windows XP Service Pack 3 Media Center Edition: July 9, 2013
KB2904878 - MS14-009: Description of the security update for the .NET Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 for Windows XP Service Pack 3 Tablet PC Edition and Windows XP Service Pack 3 Media Center Edition: February 11, 2014


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